Natural hair treatments for dry scalp require patience and persistence. Sometimes experiencing dry scalp for certain period of the year, for example in summer, is really irritating. Dry scalp often comes with dandruff and unbearable itchiness which makes want to get rid of quickly. Hence, people with dry scalp should be careful in choosing hair care product so that this problem will not get worse. In this article, you can find some natural hair treatments for dry scalp you can try at home.
The first ingredient you can use for natural hair treatments for dry scalp is by using brown sugar. As dry scalp will trigger dead skin cells production which leads to hair dandruff, you need to solve this by using brown sugar to cream bath. Mix 2 tbsp. brown sugar with 1 tbsp. olive oil and apply the mixture before washing the hair. This easy trick can be effective treatments for dry scalp and dandruff. The second natural ingredient is egg. Eggs contain rich nutrients needed for scalp health so it will help moisturize the scalp to be more moist and healthy. Not only that, egg is also good to maintain healthy hair. All you need to do is mixing two egg yolks with 2 tbsp. olive oil and 50 ml water. Apply the mixture on whole scalp and half-wet hair. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water and shampoo to get rid of the egg stench.
One of other natural remedies for dry scalp and oily hair is by using mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is a natural substance which contains no less effective substance as the eggs to cope with dry scalp and oily hair as well as keeping healthy hair. You just have to mix half a cup of mayonnaise and rub it to half-wet hair and scalp. Lightly massage heads for a few minutes then wrap it with a shower cap. Wait for 15 minutes and wash the hair and scalp using warm water and shampoo as usual. Natural oils can also be used as natural hair treatments for dry scalp. Ancient people had used natural oils such as olive and coconut oil to protect their hair from being damaged and dry. Heat up the natural oil on low temperature and then smeared the warm natural oils on the scalp and hair. Massage it gently for 5-10 minutes, leave it like that for 15-20 minutes later and then wash your hair and scalp with clean water.